Certificate In Dyslexia Studies (CDS)

10 Weeks

Programme Structure:

The Certificate in Dyslexia Studies programme is conducted online using face-to-face live streaming via zoom platform. The programme involves ten sessions of three hours each arranged in five modules. This certificate course introduces the learners to all aspects of Dyslexia including causes, characteristics, and strategies to help individuals find success in school and life. The topics include motivation and resilience with an emphasis on assistive technology and strategies to gain literacy independence.

The ten-week course is divided into five modules, which include lectures, reading materials, and teaching videos. Learners will be engaged through small and large group activities that focus on experiencing the module content and interacting with peer learners.

Dyslexia training online


Participants will be able to identify the characteristics of Dyslexia.

Participants will be able to develop skill in implementing strategies to overcome the challenges of decoding and understanding print materials.

Dyslexia courses online

Programme Outline:

Module 1 : Introduction

This module provides information about the causes and characteristics of Dyslexia. The assessments used to identify this disability will be discussed. Attention will be focused on an analysis of the social model of disability and how it impacts this group of individuals. Societal perceptions of disability over time will enlighten the evolution, prevalence, and definition of this condition. The specific types of Dyslexia will be examined.

Module 2: Academic Supports and Strategies

This module provides understanding of different academic supports and strategies commonly used to overcome and accommodate Dyslexia. Topics include teaching and assessment strategies of developmental Dyslexia, specific learning difficulty, and specific learning difficulties. Multisensory language instruction as well as targeted supports will be demonstrated and practiced in interactive experiences. Writing and Mathematics strategies will be implemented in small and large group sessions.

Module 3: Behaviour and Motivation

This module will focus on behaviour modification approaches including contingency management and reinforcement theories. Based on the principles of operant conditioning, learners will implement various behaviour modification strategies in small and large group meetings. In addition, the concepts involved in cognitive therapy will consider the maladaptive beliefs that a person with Dyslexia may have about their own condition. Cognitive strategies to build resilience and empowerment will be explored and practiced. Topics include self-monitoring, Universal Design for Learning, and socio-academic behaviour approaches

Module 4: Executive Functions

This module expands the cognitive strategies and concepts introduced in Module 3. This module looks at various structures and skills involved in planning, focusing attention, remembering instructions, and juggling multiple tasks. Strategies for developing organizational skills will be introduced and practiced. Several approaches to overcoming memory deficits will be demonstrated and implemented.

Module 5: School Supports and Assistive Technology

This module will demonstrate various assistive technology supports that are readily available for individuals with Dyslexia. The use of devices and applications will be implemented, demonstrated, and critiqued in large and small group sessions. Topics include effective school supports and simple accommodations to overcome challenges associated with this condition. Focus on notetaking, time-management, and academic strategies for success will be highlighted.

Assesment Method:

1. Written Assignment

2. Presentation


10 weeks (30 hours)

10 Saturdays (2 Saturday/month) :

2.00 – 5.00pm Singapore time

Lecture mode:


Entry Requirement:

High school or equivalent

Course Dates :

Module 1 Introduction 6 March 2021 , 20 March 2021
Module 2 Academic Supports & Strategies 3 April 2021, 17 April 2021
Module 3 Behaviour & Modification 15 May 2021, 29 May 2021
Module 4 Executive Functions 5 June 2021, 19 June 2021
Module 5 School Supports & Assistive Technology 3 July 2021, 17 July 2021

Course Fee: Certificate In Dyslexia Studies (CDS)

Registration Fee: USD 150

Course Fee: USD 1550 USD 750 (Introductory Price)

Total: USD 1700 USD 900

2-Installment Payment:

1st Payment: USD 500

2nd Payment: USD 400

Learn about dyslexia with our online training course in only 10 weeks!

Global SEN Academy is an online special needs education academy originated in Singapore that offers dyslexia training courses called Certificate in Dyslexia Studies (CDS).

In this dyslexia training course, you will be taught with the basics of dyslexia and skills required to support dyslexic individuals in education, employment, life-skills etc.

The lecture contents will be delivered to you through a live-streaming platform on Zoom. Additional reading materials and teaching videos will also be crafted for students to further strengthen theoretical understandings and case studies.

Not only that, you will also have many opportunities to interact in large group activities that allow you to communicate ideas and exchange knowledge with peer learners.

Teacher training course Singapore

Intended learning outcomes

Upon completion of this online dyslexia training course, you are expected to be:

  • Able to describe the societal perspectives of dyslexia from historical to modern times
  • Able to explain the characteristics and types of dyslexia
  • Able to tackle different academic subjects for dyslexic students strategically
  • Able to apply cognitive and behavioural theories into practice to motivate dyslexic individuals
  • Able to assist dyslexic persons in improved executive functioning
  • Able to get exposure about dyslexic support devices and its technology
  • Able to think critically about dyslexic support solutions and communicate rationale with peers

Why you should join Global SEN Academy 

Global SEN Academy cares about creating a fair education system for individuals with dyslexia, and we are passionate about spreading awareness and equity in education for these individuals. We hope to foster an organic learning environment that could curb problems that dyslexic persons encounter in learning.

With this dyslexia online training course, you will not only learn about the theoretical fundamentals to dyslexia, but you will also be exposed to practical lessons where authentic critical judgements about the functionality of educational solutions targeting dyslexic today will be valued in online peer discussion.

Worry not because our global team of experts guarantee to provide you the best quality of lectures and guidance that you need in educating people with dyslexia. Join us now!

Interested with this course? Register now!



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