We aim to train, upskill and empower parents, caregivers, teachers and other professionals in acquiring knowledge and skills in supporting people with special needs.

Our Services


Train parents and caregivers to support children with special needs

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We celebrate diversity and inclusion in schools, workplaces and community.

Our Services


Certification Courses

Workshops & Conferences

CSR Projects


We aim to train, upskill and empower parents,
caregivers, teachers and other professionals in
acquiring knowledge and skills in supporting people
with special needs.

Certificate in Special & Inclusive Education (CSIE)

Certificate in Autism Studies (CAS)

Certificate in Dyslexia Studies (CDS)

Teacher training course Singapore

Collaboration | Shared knowledge | Advocacy

We build bridges across international and cultural borders in this global initiative towards advocacy and empowerment for people with disabilities, differently-abled via biographies, seminars and conferences.

Perfect start for your child


Years of experience






Placement Assistance





Did you know 15% of the world’s population is experiencing some sort of disability?

Many of these individuals require special care and different approaches to teaching. Yet these individuals often suffer from disadvantages in education due to inadequacy of teacher training, lack of compassion in people around them, and poor plans execution. If you are ready to commit to help meeting the needs of these individuals, if you want to learn more about them and what you can do to connect with them, we want to help you to achieve the ambition.

Why Choose Us?

Global SEN Academy is an online academy based in Singapore and has global participants we provide professional teacher training courses to all teachers, parents, caregivers, school coordinators, and professionals working with children with special educational needs (SEN).

We endorse pedagogy in education to have teachers meet the learning goals of children with various special needs. In these online teacher training courses, we have experienced SEN experts and to help you understand the fundamentals of autism and dyslexia, as two most prevalent learning difficulties, and practise skills to support special and inclusive education for individuals with special needs.

With Global SEN Academy’s value is to empower community, bring equity in learning and motivation to foster diversity and inclusion for people with special needs. These training courses are not limited in Singapore only but also accessible to any geographical areas you are at.

Special needs teaching course

Are you thinking that online courses are not what you would like?

Not a problem.

We also offer physical courses in our centres all around the world such as in Singapore, Malaysia, India, Qatar, California, and Kenya.

Not only that, you are also privileged to join our workshops, campaigns, conferences and become part of our big projects to enhance our education system and push our mission to motivate the world to become more inclusive and diverse to another new level.

We know that with all of our participation and dedication, we can make the impossible to possible! 

Upon completion of the course, you will have your certificate delivered to you to celebrate your hard work and dedication. It is important that your effort and input are recognized. We believe that at the end of each course, it will spur you further to work with individuals with special needs with greater care, compassion and competence. Sign up for our training courses to upskill in teaching individuals with special needs now!

Our happy customers


Global SEN Academy is an online professional training platform focused on teaching knowledge and skills to support inclusive education for students with special educational needs (SEN).

Email: info@globalsenacademy.com

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