GMC-48K Rail Grinder


The GMC-48K rail grinder is used for the preventive grounding and repair grinding of railway rails. It can eliminate rust, fatigue cracks, corrugations, spots, and fins on the track surface. The machine can operate in both directions, with an accuracy meeting the technical requirement for 300km/h high-speed lines, and it has an operating efficiency outdoing other similar products in the world.

The vehicle consists of three coupled cars, namely cars A, B, and C. Among them, cars A and B are motor cars and car C is a driven car. Cars A and B are provided with power packs, operating devices, driver's cabs and power bogies. Car C is provided with the meeting room, maintenance room, auxiliary generator room, operating device, tool kit and driven bogie. The three cars are permanently connected with connecting rods, without elastic buffers in the longitudinal direction. The vehicle is provided with a circular aisle for operators to inspect the working condition of the vehicle.

The electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, braking, power transmission, and water systems of the vehicle are monitored by a main control computer, and operations are performed on the display screen of the executing computer. The grinding wheel driven by motor has excellent fire protection and economical maintenance performance. The vehicle is equipped with fire fighting and water sprinkling systems. Each grinding vehicle is equipped with a collector to collect ground dust. According to the requirement of the client, two vehicles can be coupled into a rail grinder with 96 grinding wheels.



Relative humidity:Not greater than 70%

Ambient temperature:-20℃~+50℃

Applicable track gauge:1435mm

Applicable rail type:50Kg/m, 60kg/m, and 75kg/m

Maximum superelevation of line:180mm

Maximum gradient of line:30‰

Service environment:Adaptive to windy, sandy, frosty and snowy environment

Rolling stock gauge:Conform to Rolling Stock   Gauge for Standard Gauge Railways (GB146.1-83) and rolling stock gauge   for HSRs.

Maximum running speed:100 km/h

Maximum coupling speed:120 km/h

Minimum running radius:180 m

Minimum grinding   radius:180 m

Wheel diameter:Ø920

Total capacity of water tank:12000 L

Total capacity of diesel tank:8000 L

Power of auxiliary generator set:100KVA

Air compressor of operating system:3000L/min×3

Dust collector:10000m3/h×6

Power of grinding motor:48X18.5kW

Rotating speed of grinding motor:3600rpm

Quantity of grinding stones:48

Grinding speed:3-16 km/h (4-10km/h frequently used)

Angle of grinding motor:-70°/0° contour   -55°/+15° contour  -20°/+15° corrugation

Grinding modes:99 modes

Grinding speed:Adjustable between 3Km/h-16km/h. The grinding heads will be   automatically separated from the rail surface when the speed is lower than   2km/h

Operating precision:±0.5Km/h at speed below 10km/h; ±1km/h at speed above 10km/h

Capacity of continuous operation:6h on normal lines; 2h in tunnels (3km)

Grinding capacity:The metal grinding amount of the rail top contour is not less   than 0.2mm per time at the grinding speed of 7km/h

Grinding precision for vertical rail surface:The maximum amplitudes in the ranges of 300mm and 1000mm are   0.02mm and 0.2mm, respectively

Rail surface roughness after grinding:Less than Ra10, without continuous or excessive bluing


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