JDZ-160 Multi-functional Catenary Maintenance Vehicle

The vehicle is specially designed and produced for the regular overhaul, maintenance, rush repair and troubleshooting of the catenary system. The main frame, cabin and side wall are welded as a whole structure, the complete machine is composed of support and locking device, coupler and buffer device, power transmission system, disc brake and pneumatic system, work travel hydraulic system, high speed traveling system, high-speed traveling electrical system, work travel electrical system, etc. The power system is mainly composed of two power bogie and two sets of power units. Both the self-propelled speed and the towed speed of the vehicle are 0-160 km/h, the work units consist of lift rotating work platform, elevated work bucket, wire position device and catenary detecting device, etc.

Overall dimension (L×W×H) : 24000mm×3150mm×4600mm

Total mass:84t

Distance between bogie pivots:17000mm

Wheelbase of bogie:2500mm


Height of coupler center above rail surface:880±10 mm

Engine rated power:2x588KW

Transmission mode:Hydraulic

Max. Self-propelled speed:160 km/h

Working speed:0 ~ 10km/h

Catenary detection device 

Contact wire height :5000 ~ 5000 mm, pull-out value ±600mm

Lift rotating work platform

Permissible load :500kg

Lifting height above rail surface:8m

Wire position device

Number of wire positioning arm :2 sets

Max. wire positioning force:3500N

Elevated work bucket

Permissible load:280kg

Max. work height above rail surface:20.5m

Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统