Overall dimension (L×W×H) : 24000mm×3150mm×4600mm
Total mass:84t
Distance between bogie pivots:17000mm
Wheelbase of bogie:2500mm
Height of coupler center above rail surface:880±10 mm
Engine rated power:2x588KW
Transmission mode:Hydraulic
Max. Self-propelled speed:160 km/h
Working speed:0 ~ 10km/h
Catenary detection device
Contact wire height :5000 ~ 5000 mm, pull-out value ±600mm
Lift rotating work platform
Permissible load :500kg
Lifting height above rail surface:8m
Wire position device
Number of wire positioning arm :2 sets
Max. wire positioning force:3500N
Elevated work bucket
Permissible load:280kg
Max. work height above rail surface:20.5m