SPZ-200 Bidirectional Ballast Regulator


The SPZ-200 bidirectional ballast regulator completes the ballast regulating operation for the ballast bed through the middle plow, side plow, wing plow and other working equipment to make the ballast uniform and the section of ballast bed formed according to the technical requirements. The cleaning device effectively cleans the ballast remained on the rail crossties and fastener and collect it to the conveyor belt to the ballast bed shoulder, in order to make the railway neat and beautiful.


Overall dimension (L × W × H):13500mm×3050mm×3860mm

Total weight:28t


Rated power of engine:210kw

Max. traveling speed:80km/h

Max. towed speed:100km/h

Wheel base:5500mm                    
Emergency braking distance :≤ 400m (At a speed of 80km/h on straight track)

Min. traveling radius:100m

Min. working radius:120m

Working speed:0~12km/h                                       

Working efficiency:0 ~ 12 km / h
Max. working width:3300 mm (starting from the track center)

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