BS-550 Ballast Shoulder Cleaning Machine


BS-550 ballast shoulder cleaning machine can collect dirt and ballast on shoulders at the entrance of the dug guide slot by complete machine working action, dug guide slots and ballast gathering plates. The ridgy ballast is driven by the excavation chain running at high speed and then falls into the mixed ballast conveyor belt through the dug guide slot. The dirty ballast is firstly sent into the screening device through the mixed ballast conveyor belt for screening, and then the clean ballast screened is assigned to the backfilling conveyor belts at the two sides by the ballast receiving hopper following by being backfilled to the rear of the dug areas; while the dirt is conveyed to the two sides of the railway or the material conveyor truck by the dirt conveyor belt and the rotary casting belt. The complete machine has characteristics of advanced technical performance, a simple structure, reliable quality and a comparatively high performance-price ratio.

BS-550 ballast shoulder cleaning machine features short auxiliary time for working, not destroying the original ballast bed structure and not affecting the traveling vehicle on the adjacent railway. Ballast shoulder cleaning can promote water permeability of the ballast bed, reduce damages to the ballast bed, extend the overhaul circle and relieve the labor intensity; in combination with cleaning under sleepers, the full section of the ballast bed can be cleaned once and for all, thus making the cleaning work more complete and effective and share a part of the work load of the ballast undercutting cleaning machine so as to improve the cleaning efficiency.


Overall dimension (L × W × H):28500 mm × 3275 mm × 4650 mm

Curb weight:88 t

Gauge:1435 mm

Wheelbase:1800 mm

Distance between bogie pivots:20000 mm

Wheel diameter: 840 mm

Working speed:0 ~ 2 km/h

Self-propelled speed:80 km/h

Towed speed:120 km/h

Installed power:522 kW

Working radius:250 m (Min.)

Travelling radius:180 m (Min.)

Working efficiency:550 m³/h

Cleaning width:600 ~ 1300 mm

Cleaning depth:900 mm (Below the track surface)


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